Give & Pray
The GoGo Trust has been working in Kwazakhele and surrounding Township communities since 2002. If you are interested in supporting widows and orphans through the GoGo trust you can do so in the following ways:
- Through sponsorship and regular donations to the GoGo Trust, widows, vulnerable children and orphans lives are changed through giving support and opportunity which would otherwise be absent.
- Fundraising is also a great way of raising awareness concerning the activities of and finance for the “GoGo Trust”. If you are interested in raising money or would like more information, then please email us. We can also discuss potential visits to the townships in order to meet people supported by the GoGo Trust and the difference this support and sponsorship has made to the lives of widows vulnerable children and orphans living in the township communities.
- If you would like to support us in our work then you can make a regular or one-off donation via “The Rainbow Mission Trust GoGo Account” at Rainbow Mission Trust GoGo Account
- Alternatively if you would like to setup a direct debit and you are a UK tax payer and would like the Gogo-Trust to reclaim the tax on your gift, please contact us and we will gladly send you the necessary forms.
The GoGo’s themselves testify as to how prayer transforms their families and the lives of people living in the township communities.
You can join these women in praying for the work of The GoGo Trust and the Trusts different activities.
There is a lot of information throughout this website however if you require more information please contact us and we will gladly give more details or answer any questions. We seek to make a greater difference in the lives of widows, orphans and vulnerable children living in these communities.
Please take time to pray for widows and orphans living in these township communities. We all really appreciate it. Thank you

When we first met Bololani he was unable to speak of his experience of being an orphan, as he actually lived on the streets and committed crime to…