Mama Magamba
Mama Magamba with Lisakhanya (her grandson)
Age 4 Years Old
Lisakhanya lives with his grandmother his mother died of HIV/AIDS she did not disclose her status. Now Lisakhanya is also HIV positive he attends the clinic in the township. He is currently strong, healthy, thriving; his current HIV load is 0.
Lisakhanya is active he likes to play outside with his friends he is happy and loving and cheeky. His grandmother is prayerful, loving, protective and caring. She provides a loving home in spite of poverty. His grandmother is also responsible for the care of another grandchild. Lisakhanya and his grandmother attend the church of Christ. She is motivated to provide a loving home full of hope, faith and love. Sponsorship would enable food and school uniform provision to this home.
Ref: gogo414
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